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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Google AdSense - How You Can Earn $10,000 a Month From AdSense

If your goal is to make $10,000 a month from AdSense this would mean that you would have to make $328 a day.

On the face of it, this sounds like quite a steep target but broken down as follows it is entirely possible.

Therefore to earn $328 a day you could have any of the following scenarios;

* 1 website with 328 pages which earn $1 a day each or
* 2 websites with 328 pages each which earn $0.50c a day each or
* 1 website with 656 pages which earn $0.50c a day each or
* 4 websites with only 41 pages each which earn $2 a day each or
* 1 website with 1312 pages which earn $0.25c a day each or

To earn $1 a day per page, in terms of traffic & CTR, you need any of the following;

* 400 visitors at a 5% CTR (Click Through Rate) with a 5c earnings per click
* 200 visitors at a 10% CTR with a 5c earnings per click or
* 100 visitors at a 10% CTR, with a 10c earnings per click or
* 100 visitors at a 5% CTR, with a 20c earnings per click or
* 26 visitors at a 15% CTR, with a 25c earnings per click or

Notwithstanding the above, before you start making really good money with AdSense you are probably going to make some mistakes which is perfectly OK as long as you learn from them.

Naturally traffic volume is a key component to reaching your AdSense revenue target, but it's a good idea to concentrate on improving CTR or CPC so that when the traffic comes it will convert into more clicks and more money for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Morgan-Bellinger
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Western Union Payment Method for AdSense

Google Adsense offering a new payment method for some countries. Publishers who located in Argentina, Chile, China (Mainland), Colombia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, or Romania, may change the payment method to Western Union Quick Cash. Western Union is a new form of payment that lets publisher receive the AdSense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union money transfer service. According to Google AdSense normal payment schedule, payments for publishers will be available for pickup at the local Western Union agent the day after they are issued.

AdSense payments with Western Union is totally free. With this new payment method, publishers will no longer need to wait for a check to arrive in the postal mail. This new payment method can also cut down on bank fees and long clearing times associated with depositing checks.
However, I wonder why Google didn’t make this payment method for worldwide. If they really care about their publisher, they should make it available worldwide.

To exchange the payment method, publisher should keep these important points in mind:
# Western Union Quick Cash is only available in Argentina, Chile, China (Mainland), Colombia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, and Romania as mentioned above.
# Unfortunately, Google doesn’t support this payment method for business account. This new payment method is currently only available to individual payee names.
# To pick up the payment, publisher will need to bring the government-issued ID that will be used to validate the payee name in adsense with the ID.
# The payments must be picked up within 35 days of issuance or they will expire. If this case happened, a payment hold will be placed on AdSense account and the payment will be credited back to publisher’s account.
# All payments will be made in US dollars, but they may be picked up in your local currency, depending on local Western Union agent that being used by publishers

So, to begin receiving AdSense payments by Western Union Quick Cash, publishers just follow these instructions. What are you waiting for?
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How to Get a PayPal Debit Card

If you use PayPal, the online business that allows you to accept and make payments through an Internet account, you may be interested in a PayPal debit card to help you access your money. While it may take up to four days for a transfer from your PayPal account to reach your bank savings or checking account, PayPal debit cards allow you to get your electronic funds from an ATM or at a participating retailer immediately. Use these steps to get a PayPal debit card.


Step 1

Sign up online for a PayPal account so you can get a PayPal debit card. Although there are three account types (Personal, Premier and Business), you’ll need to sign up for a Premier or Business Account to get a PayPal debit card. Unless you own a business or conduct frequent business-related transactions online, a Premier Account should suffice. (Each member is allowed to have a Personal Account and a Business or Premier Account.)

Step 2

Ensure you register for a Personal Account first, even if you plan to upgrade to a Premier Account to get a PayPal debit card. After getting to the Create Your PayPal account screen, simply enter your country and language. Enter current information including your name and the primary email address you’d like to give out when you make and accept payments via PayPal. You’ll also need to enter your name, mailing address, birthday, phone number and a password.

Step 3

Confirm your account by linking a valid checking account and credit card. (If you’re signing up for a PayPal account for the first time, you’ll need to wait until two small payments are made to your checking account so you can confirm the transaction to validate your PayPal account.) Once you’ve successfully signed up for the Personal Account, you can upgrade to a Premier or Business Account.

Step 4

Get a PayPal debit card by clicking on the “Debit Card” link at the bottom of your PayPal account screen. You’ll need to confirm your mailing address before PayPal will send the debit card to you. The mailing address must match the billing address on the credit card you’ve linked to your PayPal account.

Step 5

Follow the directions that are mailed with your PayPal debit card to activate it before use. You can do this by logging into your PayPal account, navigating to the Profile screen, pulling down to the PayPal Debit Card entry under the Financial Information tab and selecting Activate Now.

Step 6

Read the PayPal stipulations to ensure you know the current daily withdrawal limits from ATMs (typically a four hundred dollar daily withdrawal limit from ATMs and a three thousand dollar daily spending limit), fees for accessing your funds through an ATM (typically one to three dollars) and current cash back bonus rewards for using the PayPal debit card like a credit card at brick-and-mortar retailers.
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Friday, August 7, 2009

Transfer PayPal Funds To AlertPay

There is no simple way to transfer PayPal to AlertPay, but it can be done with a little time and effort. Transferring from your PayPal to AlertPay is a lot easier if you already have a PayPal debit card. If you do not have a PayPal debit card, you should apply for one it only takes a few minutes and you can use your card anywhere MasterCard or debit cards are accepted.

Step 1 – Get Your Free PayPal Account -
PayPal is absolutely free to signup for and use, PayPal receives their earnings by taking a small percentage of each transaction done thru their service. If you do not already have a PayPal account now would be a good time to create one, you can create your account now by clicking here. You will not be taken away from this page, the link will load in a new window. If you already have an account, just skip this step.

Step 2 – Verify Your PayPal Account -
There are a number of ways to verify your PayPal account, you can submit your social security or country ID number, add your bank account or add a credit/debit card. If you’re going to be using a paypal debit card, you must have a verified account.

Step 3 – Request Your PayPal Debit Card -
Once you’ve verified your PayPal debit card, you can use it just like any other debit card. It can be used for purchases anywhere MasterCard is accepted and you can withdraw your funds from your PayPal account at any ATM. you should receive your debit card within 1-2 weeks or less.

Step 4 – Get Your Free AlertPay Account -
If you do not already have an AlertPay account, you can create and account right now for free by clicking here Get your FREE account with AlertPay. Don’t worry, you will not be taken away from this page if you click the link, the link is loaded in a new window. If you already have an AlertPay account, skip this step.

Step 5 – Add Your PayPal Debit Card To Your AlertPay -
Login to your AlertPay account, up near the top you should see a link labeled “Profile”, when you mouse over that link a drop down menu will appear, select “Financial”, then click “Credit Cards”. This will take you to a page listing all the credit cards you have added to your AlertPay account if you have added at all. You can then add your PayPal debit card to your AlertPay account. Once you’ve added your card you can the add funs to your AlertPay account directly from you PayPal account instantly.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Optimizing Your Google AdSense Pages

Optimizing Your Google AdSense Pages


Running Google AdSense on your article website is a quick and easy way to generate revenue for your writing efforts. We've been using Google AdSense on many sites running our article manager, ArticleLive, both for testing and for real life revenue generation. We found after some testing and research that there were various techniques we could implement to optimize our AdSense ad’s and increase revenue. Today I'm going to share some of my favorite strategies.

My first suggestion is to read Googles list of tips and tricks for optimizing Google AdSense:

If you’re running a forum, here’s a quick list of tips direct from Google:


First and foremost, where you place your ad’s makes a huge direct difference in visibility of the ad, and therefore increases your chance of getting clicks. While some people stress that your ad’s should be highly visible upon first visit, i.e. top of the page, in some cases having your ad’s placed at the END of your article can actually increase click thru’s. Let’s say our article is a review of a specific digital camera, the Cannon IXUS 800 IS. (Incidentally, I love this camera and lost mine overseas).

When a user visits my site to read my review he or she is most likely going to read the article before clicking on any ad’s. It’s the reason they came to my site in the first place. By positioning my ad’s directly after my article on the same page I know my visitor has finished reading my article and may be ready to take action. An ad that offers a cheap price for the same camera I’m reviewing is now highly likely to get clicked on, especially if my review has been a positive one.

Try various ad placements. Tweak and test until you find something that works for you.

Look and Feel

Your AdSense ad’s should blend into the look and feel of your web site. Make suer you use the same font type, size and color so advertisements don’t look like ad’s. On the other hand, sometimes visitors become ad blind so you need them to stand out. Again, test, test, test.

As I mentioned above, if you place your ad’s at the end of the article there’s a good chance your visitor will click on them. Keeping their style consistent with the rest of your page will make them appear as normal links, and therefore your visitors wont get scared off and think that the only reason you wrote the article is so they click on the ad.

Increase Relevancy

Google uses what we call robots to scan your web page to locate the best ad’s to serve. If Google does a poor job of recognizing your articles topic then the ad’s it displays will not be highly relevant. Improving the relevance of the ad’s displays means improving the probability that your readers will find interest in an advertisement and click on it.

There are a few things you should do to increase relevance. Firstly, use descriptive headings and try to be specific. For example, if you’re writing a review about a Canon IXS 800 Digital Camera, then your title should look something like: “Canon IXS 800 Digital Camera Review”. As obvious as it seems, some people tend to forget this and use less relevant headings such as IXS 800 Review.

Be sure to include the topic of the article in the page title as well as adding a detailed meta description and meta keywords. Keep them as focused as possible, using similar keywords found throughout your web page. Adding alt tags to your images can also help. For example, an image of the camera could have an alt tag of: “Canon IXS 800 Digital Camera Picture” and you could even add a descriptive caption to the image.

Cater to Niche Topics

Targeting niche topics instead of general ones will result in two distinct benefits. First, your natural search engine competition is reduced dramatically. You get more targeted visitors interested in your niche topic, who will be shown more relevant ad’s, resulting in higher click rates.

Let’s take our digital camera website as an example. If I was to write a generic article about digital cameras I’d be competing with thousands if not millions of competitors. My Google Ad’s would be generic and the chance that my visitors will click on these ad’s is significantly reduced. On the other hand, however, by catering to a specific, targeted topic, I decrease my natural search competition, I increase my relevance both with visitors and ad’s and increase the likelihood of an ad click.

Use Correct File Names

The file name used for your web page is extremely important to Google AdSense and the ad’s that it shows. Using a simple test on my desktop PC, I created 2 blank HTML files with different names and added the Google AdSense code, nothing else. The first one, playstation-games.html showed these ad’s:

digital-cameras.html showed these ad's:

There was absolutely no other content in those files and the files were located on my desktop, so Google could not scan my web page for content.

Filtering Non Relevant Ad’s

With all the technical prowess of the Google robots, they can get it wrong. If your site is displaying totally irrelevant ad’s in relation to your websites content then there’s something wrong with your site. It could be that the robots are having a hard time crawling the site, or maybe the way your web page has been coded makes it hard for the robots to tell what topic the page is about. If the majority of the time, however, the ad’s are relevant but some irrelevant ones are still showing, then its time to start filtering.

By monitoring the ad’s on your site you can take a list of the domains of URL’s that don’t match the topic you are targeting, then, inside your Google AdSense account you can add this list of domains to your “Competition Filter”. By doing so, Google will stop showing ad’s from those domains.

Rotating Colors

Sometimes regular visitors to websites become accustomed to ad’s and their brain filters them out. We call this ad blindness. If you know your site gets a lot of repeat visitors you could test automatically rotating color schemes for your ad’s.

Color rotation is supported by Google and lets AdSense automatically rotate through 4 different color variations of ad’s so your ad’s have a higher chance of being noticed by repeat visitors.


Add More Content

The more content you have on your website, the more ad’s you can display. Having more content also means more pages listed in search engines and more pages for your visitors to browse through, meaning more website traffic. The more ad’s you can display, the higher the chance of a click thru.


You should constantly test and tweak your website for better ad revenue and click thrus. By comparing different ad types for different periods or on different pages you can determine which ad’s work better for your site. In saying this however, it’s best to test for a short period of time, optimize and move on. Spend your time creating rich, valuable content rather than optimizing for better click thrus. In the long term, great content always wins in generating more traffic to your site, which in turn generates more click thrus to the ad’s and puts more money in your pocket.


There are plenty of other ways to optimize your ad’s and I’ll be writing about them in future tutorials. For now though, use what I’ve taught you in this article to better position your ad’s, testing placement, colors and ad sizes. You never know which little tweak might result in an increase of clicks.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

NOD32 login password

updated August, 19th, 2009

Username: EAV-19733679
Password: 488hh4xf2u

Username: EAV-19739513
Password: vhdbuh23xf

Username: EAV-19537770
Password: rdujsa8xp2

Username: EAV-19732826
Password: ua5snseux7

Username: EAV-20306584
Password: r6x76sau8x

Username: EAV-18458300
Password: 886uhctbm8

NOD32 IDs Update Time:August 10th,2009 09:02:21 [U.S. time]
ThreatSense Update:v.4312 (20090806)


UserName: TRIAL-19623486
PassWord: v6n8pv5dfm

UserName: TRIAL-19553168
PassWord: pa6txk6dk6

UserName: TRIAL-19553167
PassWord: 4fd2vc6jck

UserName: TRIAL-19553190
PassWord: jha5hucaeu

UserName: TRIAL-19553195
PassWord: abmrpn328r

updated : July, 29th, 2009

UserName: TRIAL-19250141
PassWord: 5vm5rnpe3r
Version: ESS, EAV, 2.*

UserName: TRIAL-19215497
PassWord: 7hx5hrcp73
Version: ESS, EAV, 2.*

UserName: EAV-19123958
PassWord: ta7f5df8t6
Version: ESS, EAV, 2.*

UserName: EAV-18775921
PassWord: bpfevenrrc
Nod32 v4 bussines edition valid until Oct,26th,2009

UserName: EAV-19325665
PassWord: bpncs2jjtr
Version: EAV, 2.*
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Vista Themes For XP V4 AIO

AiO Contains:-
-Windows 7 Theme + Wallpaper
-Krystal XP Theme + Wallpaper
-WMP11 Inspirat Theme + Wallpaper
-XpVista Theme + Wallpaper
-Aurora Theme + Wallpaper
-Vista Theme + Wallpaper
and more ..

Vista Themes For XP V4 AIO (Size: 11,7 MB)
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